Saturday, January 31, 2009

Making time to blog!

I am finally trying to take the time to post what is happening in our lives this year! So, please check back periodically to see what is new and exciting in our family- Let me know that you are following this blog so that I can continue to update it!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Exciting...A Superior Ribbon!!

I'm Back...

Well, I am back on the blog and I am trying to commit to write a small message each day about what is going on in our lives...We'll see how it goes! Between the kids and my jewelry business it feels like there is barely time to breath...but the Lord is good and we truly feel blessed! Madison had her speech meet yesterday and placed with a Superior ribbon which was the highest honor! I will try to attach a photo of her at the speech meet and maybe even a video of her reciting her winning poem. Both kids went to a swim party also yesterday which they really enjoyed. I am off to make a plan for redecorating the house...pray for us, we have our hands full!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Getting Started

Welcome to our very first blog! Wow, can you believe that we have come this far and can now show you our life through the internet!

I will do my best to update it regularly so that you can keep in touch easier with what is new and exciting in our lives!